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"He split open the rocks in the wilderness to give them plenty of water..." Psalm 78:15 TLB

"Now choose life...that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him." Deuteronomy 30:19-20 NIV

Just as God provided for Moses and the Israelites in the wilderness, he provides for us to walk in the fullness of what he has planned as well. As a symbol of spiritual nourishment, God gives us life-giving water to help us walk out of our personal wilderness (our problems and challenges) into a life filled with his love, symbolized by the heart.

God spoke to Moses from a burning bush. Today God speaks to us by the Holy Spirit through prayer, the Bible, circumstances, and his people in the church. There are times when God speaks in other ways as well, such as through music and art.

As we develop a love relationship with God and listen for what he has to tell us, we learn more about God's ways. Then we see how he provides life-giving water as we continue to discover his will for our life's journey.

Mixed media (detail of Exodus 17: Water From the Rock)